My Favorite Questions to Get to Know People Quickly
But have a good answer to these before asking them — they might ask you back.
Also, it’s not always about what people answer, but how they justify their answer.
- Do you believe in free will?
- What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
- What important truth do very few people agree with you on?
- What is something you wonder a lot about that few people seem to be puzzled by? (my adaptation of the Peter Thiel question for P-types)
- Is there such a thing as “just a joke” — or do they all carry meaning?
- Should we thrive towards a world with 1 or 1.000 governments?
- If you knew you could not get caught, would you steal a million dollars?
- What profound opinion of yours has changed in the last year?
- Do you do, what you love? If not, why not?
- Would you live with your clones? Befriend them? Date them?
- What is your most controversial hobby?
- What did you want to become when you were 12?
- When was the last time you cried?
- What was the moment in your life when you felt more ashamed?
- Is there such a thing as objective truth?
- Would you rather be among the poorest in a rich, advanced society or the richest in a poor society?
Specifically for job interviews:
- What is the most exaggerated thing on your CV / in this interview so far?
- Have you ever let someone down? (because everyone has, this is just testing their integrity. If they say no, they are unreflected and or lying)
- What did you dislike most about previous superiors you worked with?